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As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

Lutheran Women in Mission (aka LWML) is the leading group for LCMS women where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.


LWM is organized into districts, then into zones consisting of Women in Mission from congregations in a geographic area. The national level meets biannually in convention and will meet this year in Omaha NE, June 26-29. 

Faith’s LWM is part of the Kansas District and is a member of the Topeka Zone.


LWM at Faith Lutheran Church


Women are invited to check out one of our four established CIRCLES that usually meet monthly:

HANNAH — meets the 1st Monday at 5:30pm.  Circle chair: Claire Banion 

Service focus: Preps a meal for families with a new baby, and makes a meal for those who may be going through a difficult time.

EVE — meets the 2nd Monday evening of the month at 7:00pm. Circle chairs: Sherrie Dick & Karen Tardiff 

Service focus: Helps with various receptions and funeral meals.

RUTH — meets the 2nd Wednesday morning of the month at 9:30am.  Circle chair: Brenda Reynolds 

Service focus: Coordinates Faith’s Prayer Ministry and assists with various receptions and funeral meals.

DEBORAH — meets the 3rd Tuesday evening of the month at 7:00pm.  Circle chair: Karen Peterson 

Service focus: Assists with funeral meals and various receptions.


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2025 Events at Faith:

Women's Retreat — March 1, 8:30am-2:30pm in the Fellowship Hall

Spring Salad Supper — April 8, 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall

Tulips & Prayer Walk — April 19, 9:30am at Ted Ensley Gardens at Lake Shawnee

Day of Prayer Service — May 1, 5:00pm in the sanctuary

Ladies' Fall Tea — Oct 12 at 2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall

LWM Sunday — Oct 5 to highlight the work of Lutheran Women in Mission

Noodle Dinner — Sunday, Nov 2, 10:45am-1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall

Homemade noodles served with chicken or beef, green beans, variety of salads and desserts

  • We experience a personal relationship with Christ and Christian unity through Bible study, individual and corporate prayer, fellowship and service.

  • We enjoy Bible study within each Circle and share devotions at General Assemblies.

  • We provide service to members of our own church and community through prayer and actions as well as to people worldwide through our mites and by making hand-tied quilts distributed through Orphan Grain Train. Quilters usually meet the 2nd & 4th Monday, 9a-12p, in the church parlor (Rm 100).

  • We enjoy Christian fellowship within our Circles, General Assemblies, Topeka Zone Rallies, Kansas District and national conventions.

  • We reach out to all people to share the love our Lord has given each of us.

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Mite Offerings

Loose change offerings are collected on the first Sunday of the month in a large Mite box in our church lobby. These offerings go toward many mission grants around the world. The 2023-25 national goal is $2,350,000. Learn more here.

A mite challenge calendar is a resource designed to focus daily on LWM Gospel Outreach. It includes a suggested mite donation, but that is mainly to remind the user that even little amounts can make a big impact when coupled with prayer, mission service, a Bible verse, a song, or recognition and praise for what God is providing in your life. The mite challenge calendar changes monthly. Learn more here.

1716 SW Gage Blvd. Topeka KS 66604

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worship | 8:00a | 10:45a | 12:15p
education hour | 9:30a

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