Donate online
Faith Lutheran Church has an electronic option for making regular offerings. Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account [1% processing fee with option for giver to cover cost].
Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card [2.75% processing fee with option to cover cost].
Tap the [GIVE now] button above, then the 'donate' button in the General Operating box. Follow the onscreen instructions to donate your one-time gift or recurring contributions. You can go any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history.
Contact us if you have questions or need assistance in using this option of giving.
You may also set up ongoing automatic fund transfers (ACH) directly from your bank on either the 5th and/or 20th of the month. To do so, print off this form and drop by the church office at your convenience.
Our online giving uses Vanco Payment Solutions and is a secure, seamless option for giving. Faith Lutheran Church also welcomes checks and cash and collects an offering in every worship service.

Anyone with a Dillon’s Shoppers Card can designate Faith Lutheran Church – Topeka as the reward recipient for their purchases. Follow the instructions on the Enroll button.