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[also available to view directly on Facebook livestream or YouTube]
LENTEN SERIES: Strange Things
3.23.25 . The Third Sunday in Lent . Preacher: Pr Jacob Heine
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
3.16.25 . The Second Sunday in Lent . Preacher: Pr Jacob Heine
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
3.9.25 . The First Sunday in Lent . Preacher: Pr Jacob Heine
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
3.2.25 . The Transfiguration of Our Lord . Preacher: Pr Jeff Lane
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
2.23.25 . Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany . Preacher: Pr Martin Albrecht
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
2.16.25 . Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany . Preacher: Pr Jacob Heine
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
2.9.25 . Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany . Preacher: Pr Jacob Heine
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
2.2.25 . Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany . Preacher: Pr Jacob Heine
8:00 Traditional Worship
10:45 Modern Worship
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